3 Credit Bureaus

There are 3 credit bureaus which use 3 different credit reports to come up with 3 different FICO scores. They 3 credit bureaus are:
– Equifax
– Experian
– Transunion

Why is my credit score different depending on the bureau?

Because the 3 credit bureaus are different companies, they may use slightly different information and algorithms to calculate your credit score. For example, maybe Equifax’s credit report on you contains different information from Experian’s credit report. Additionally, the actual math and logic used to calculate your credit score depends on each of the 3 credit bureaus – your credit score is a combination of 5 factors, but the importance of each factor may vary depending on the bureau.

Which bureau is the best?

Realistically, there is no best bureau. All 3 credit bureaus will produce a FICO score that will likely range from 300 to 850. For all 3, the the higher the score the better. The lender chooses which bureau to use, so it’s up to them.

To check and monitor you credit, check out the 10 best credit monitoring sites. Most of these should provide scores from all 3 credit bureaus as well as identity protection. Knowing your scores from Equifax, Experian, and Transunion helps you be prepared and stay on top of your credit. There are also sites that let you check your credit score for free, but they do not provide the actual FICO score – only an estimate. If you are paying for your credit score, make sure it’s the FICO score. And remember, checking your credit score is considered a soft inquiry, and does not lower it!

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